Ayande Amoozan -e- ATA – AAA

A Knowledge-Based Company

?Who We Are

Ayande Amoozan -e- ATA is an academic company. The company was established and grown in the Science and Technology Park. The core business of this company is smartening the processes of education and knowledge management at the organizational and national levels. The company is ready to cooperate in the following fields with a wide network of researchers, specialists, and consultants:
– Generating multimedia content,
– Setting up a virtual science laboratory (V-Lab),
– Empowerment and development of human resources,
– Knowledge management and empowerment of managers, and
– Publication
We provide the best service for our customers.

?What We Do

Knowledge Management & Digital Transformation

Knowledge is the most important asset of an organization. With extensive experience at the level of public and private organizations, we offer you the most appropriate knowledge management solutions. Assessing the maturity of knowledge management, implementing the knowledge management standard, establishing a knowledge management system, formulating and monitoring knowledge management strategies, human resource empowerment, etc. We consider knowledge management as a transformation agent, and for that, we have formulated the Virtual Transformation concept as an umbrella term for knowledge management and digital transformation.  Link to KM portal


we are proud to be the producer of the first Virtual Science Laboratory. This achievement, the result of years of scientific efforts of a group of top experts in the country at Tarbiat Modares University, has been produced by the “ATA” knowledge-based group and presented to the student community.

our products


we are the leading producer of multimedia content production in the country and have had continuous cooperation with organizations and universities. our multimedia carriers are produced by talented experts. we will continue to promote new technologies in facilitating learning.

our products


ATA’s courses are designed and implemented based on rigorous educational needs assessment and a training program. So far, we have held hundreds of courses taught by first-class domestic and international instructors from prestigious universities as well as at the request of organizations and institutions.

our products


The talented team and a broad network of experienced experts of “ATA” by acquiring up-to-date knowledge in the field of educational technology and knowledge management help organizations, enterprises, and educational institutions to be able to train and empower their human resources in accordance with effective and up-to-date methodologies.


Understanding the level of employee competency is one of the managerial requirements in organizational sets. ATA’s future students identify the knowledge, skills, and behavioral gaps of employees by accurately assessing job requirements and adapting them to employees’ competencies, and providing a codified program for managers.


As online education develops and the need to use electronic spaces due to the coronavirus pandemic, ATA provides the space needed by organizations through their learning education system. ATA’s webinar system provides a suitable environment for online education. virtual education is the necessity of the future.

Word Cloud of Our Activities

Contact Us

arta.hub.info {@} gmail.com